A former auto salvage yard, the vision for 238 Sumach is to remediate the property and develop into medium density residential units. The development of residential units on these lands will complement the existing residential community in the immediate area, while still ensuring compatibility with nearby employment uses.
When LANDx Developments began assisting ownership on this project back in 2017, the site faced a number of issues related to environmental contamination, required employment conversions and planning approvals. LANDx Developments has coordinated the required applications and approvals in support of converting the property from its former industrial designation in both the Official Plan and Zoning By-law. LANDx has also assisted ownership with planning and coordinating the remediation of the property.
In close proximity to parks and open space, Highway 403, transit infrastructure and retail and employment opportunities in nearby Aldershot, the 238 Sumach Drive project has significant development potential. The proposed development looks primed to ride a recent wave of change and growth in the Aldershot area, which is in a period of transition away from low-intensity built form towards more urbanized, higher density urban forms that maintain the small-town feel of the community.